Zambaku 04

Kjo faqe eshte ende ne perpunim e siper


Bloom Bliss


Fresh Bouquets

Handcrafted floral arrangements using the freshest blooms for every occasion.


Event Decor

Creating stunning floral designs to elevate the ambiance of your special events.



Prompt and reliable flower delivery service to surprise your loved ones.


Customized Gifts

Unique floral gifts tailored to make your gestures extra special.


Seasonal Blooms

Highlighting the beauty of each season with curated floral displays.


Wedding Florals

Designing exquisite bridal bouquets and stunning wedding floral arrangements.


Lule Kreative

Një luleshitës pasionant sjell aranzhime të bukura në Prizren. Faqja eshte ende ne perpunim e siper. Me një prekje personale, përpiqem ta bëj çdo lule të veçantë për çdo klient. Vizitoni Zambaku 04 për krijime unike me lule.

Standout Features

Exquisite Floral Creations at Zambaku 04

Bespoke Arrangements

Crafted with passion and creativity, each floral arrangement at Zambaku 04 is unique and tailored to your preferences, making every bouquet a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

Fresh Blooms

Handpicked by me, the freshest and most vibrant blooms adorn every creation at Zambaku 04, ensuring long-lasting beauty and elegance for any occasion.

Personalized Service

At Zambaku 04, I prioritize personal connections with my customers, offering attentive service and expert advice to bring your floral vision to life with perfection and care.

About Me

Philip Henderson

Zambaku 04 Floral Artisan

I am a Zambaku 04 Floral Artisan in Prizren. My passion for flowers guides me to create unique floral arrangements.

My skill set includes expert knowledge of flowers, creativity in design, and attention to detail for every arrangement I create.


Awards & Accreditations

With a commitment to quality and creativity, I take pride in my Zambaku 04's awards and accreditations.

Excellence in Floral Design Award

Floral Design Association

Recognizing exceptional talent and dedication to innovative floral designs.

Best Floral Arrangement

Floral Excellence Awards

June 2020

Honored for breathtaking floral arrangements at the prestigious Floral Excellence Awards.

Top Wedding Florist

Wedding Industry Awards

March 2019

Celebrated for providing exquisite floral designs that elevate every wedding to a memorable event.


My Florist Creations

Explore the exquisite arrangements crafted by me at Zambaku 04. Each floral design is meticulously made to bring beauty and joy into any space. Discover the perfect floral touch for your special moments.

Zambaku 04 Creations

My Floral World

I Blossom Alone

Zambaku 04 Blooms


Customer Love

Beautiful arrangements! Zambaku 04 always exceeds my expectations with their stunning flowers.


The flowers from Zambaku 04 always add that special touch to my events. Love their work!


Zambaku 04 creates magic with flowers. Their creativity and attention to detail are unmatched.



Contact Me Directly Here